At MSI Media Group, love is the common thread — we love solving problems, we love making our clients supremely successful, we love our work, and we do it all with the expertise and knowledge that comes with decades of success in brand building and digital marketing. 



Marketing program for Loacker International in the USA, led to 38% increase in brand awareness in the initial target areas in the first 6 months.

Empire Valuation Consultants

Increased brand recognition nationwide with a 30% increase in sales, 11% increase in average assignment size in the first year, and 24% increase in the second year.

John Adams High School

Bold and modern identity communicates the exciting new learning environment while showcasing top-tier umbrella brand and six Small Learning Communities. 

“Our work is defined by our relationships with our clients. We have cultivated a diverse and flourishing client base by developing an intimate understanding of each client's unique circumstances.”

– Mary Pisarkiewicz, Owner and Creative Director